Saturday, February 21, 2009

38 hours to go!

Tonight, at midnight, I start my clear liquids. Clear liquids for 24 hours and my magnisium citrate (mmmmm). Then nothing. Surgery is scheduled for 11am Monday, 2/23/09. I am so excited. Getting things together for the trip to the hospital. Do I take a book? Will I have time to read? What about a puzzle book? Maybe my son's DS? What do I want to wear home? So many questions, so little time. Tomorrow, Sunday, I am taking my two nieces to see the Disney on Ice show, then mom and I are leaving for Fremont to stay overnight in a motel. So I need to take care of this tonight. I guess that I had better get back too it. 38 hours to go. whooo hoooo!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I have a surgery date!

So, I finally have a surgery date, February 23, 2009. I have had all the tests and passed...all the Drs. NUT's and Psych's have given me the green light. I am not nervous, yet anyways. So, I am going on my Final Food Tour. You know, last seafood dinner, last chinese food, last pizza. But, I am trying to do so in moderation. No weight gains before surgery. So, here are my Top 10 Things to Look Forward to.
1. Sitting with my knees bent and being able to wrap my arms around them.
2. Putting on my socks without having to lift my foot up to my other knee with my hand.
3. Getting off the couch with out having to use my arms.
4. Getting off the floor without having to roll onto my stomach.
5. Strain-free butt wiping.
6. Energy!
7. New clothes
8. Breathing normally after a flight of stairs.
9. Being in the pictures, not just behind the camera.
10. Sleeping without a machine.
11. Good-bye camel toe
So, I am looking forward to checking these wishes off one by one.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thankful for Thanksgiving

I heard from the scheduling coordinator for my surgeon. She says I am 24 on the list and should expect a date in February. So, 2 or 3 more months. Shucks, I would've been happy if she had said, "So, what about tomorrow?"
Thanksgiving was weird. I kept thinking that this is the last Thanksgiving that I can enjoy. I know next year will be even better because I will be thinner, but still . . . it's hard to give up a good friend and that is what food has been to me for years now. So, back to the protein and low carbs, forget about the stuffing, but at least I can eat more turkey.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

In the Beginning

And so it begins. My life as a fat girl is about to be over. The journey is about to begin. I know that the end is far away and there will be quite a few hurdles to jump before I am thru, but the first steps have been taken. I started at 304 pounds and I currently weigh 280. I have heard from my doctor and I am waiting for a surgery date. I already feel better, but I still have pain in my knees and sleep apnea. I am looking forward to my final Thanksgiving as a fat girl, my final Christmas, my final New Years. By this time next year I should be well on my way to a new, healthy, more energetic, lifestyle. I can hardly wait.